+34 912998863 borja.ibarra@gmail.com



Mechanism of strand displacement DNA synthesis by the coordinated activities of human mitochondrial DNA polymerase and SSB


Optical Tweezers to Force Information out of Biological and Synthetic Systems One Molecule at a Time.

Bocanegra, R.; Ortiz-Rodríguez, M.; Garcia-Abadillo, I.P.; R-Pulido, C.; Ibarra, B.


Cooperative-dependent folding of single-stranded DNA

Viader-Godoy, C. R. Pulido, B. Ibarra, M. Manosas, F. Ritort.

Physical Review X; 11, 031037 (2021).

DNA replication machinery: Insights from in vitro single-molecule approaches

 Rebeca Bocanegra, Ismael Plaza G.A., Carlos R. Pulido, Borja Ibarra

Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal Vol 19, 2057-69, 2021

GTP and lipids control self-assembly and functional promiscuity of Dynamin2 molecular machinery

Javier EspadasRebeca BocanegraJuan Manuel Martinez-GalvezEneko LargoSoledad Baños-MateosPedro ArrasateJulene Ormaetxea GuisasolaAriana Velasco-OlmoJavier Vera LilloBorja IbarraAnna V. ShnyrovaVadim A. Frolov

Measurements of Real-Time Replication Kinetics of DNA Polymerases on ssDNA Templates Coated with Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Proteins

Fernando Cerrón,  Borja Ibarra
Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2281, Springer Nature 2021


DNA replication: In vitro single-molecule manipulation data analysis and models

Javier Jarillo, Borja Ibarra, Francisco Javier Cao-García

Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 19, 3765-3778 (2021).

In vitro single-molecule manipulation studies of viral DNA replication

Bocanegra R, Plaza G-A I, Ibarra B
The Enzymes. 2021;49:115-148.


Optical Tweezers to Investigate the Structure and Energetics of Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Protein-DNA Complexes.

Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2281 (2021)
Morin J.A., Cerrón F., Cao-García F.J., Ibarra B.


Five Minutes in the Life of a Molecular Shuttle: Near-Equilibrium Measurements of Shuttling Dynamics Using Optical Tweezers.

Lemishko K.M., Naranjo T., Pérez E.M., Ibarra B.
Building and Probing Small for Mechanics. Advances in Atom and Single Molecule Machines. Springer, Cham.  vol 2281 (2021).



Understanding the paradoxical mechanical response of in-phase A-tracts at different force regimes

Nucleic Acids Research April 2020.



Replicative DNA polymerases promote active displacement of SSB proteins during lagging strand synthesis

F. Cerron, S. de Lorenzo, K.M. Lemishko, G. Ciesielski, L.S. Kaguni, F. Cao, B. Ibarra.
Nucleic Acids Research 2019, Vol 47, 11, 5723–5734,


Dynamic constriction and fission of ER membranes by reticulon

J. Espadas, D. Pendin, R. Bocanegra, A. Escalada, G. Misticoni, T. Trevisan, A. Velasco del Olmo, S. Bova, B. Ibarra, P. I. Kuzmin, A.V. Shnyrova, V. A. Frolov, A. Daga
Nature Communications 10, 5327 (2019)


Dynamics of individual molecular shuttles under mechanical force

Teresa Naranjo, Kateryna M. Lemishko, Sara de Lorenzo, Álvaro Somoza, Felix Ritort, Emilio M. Pérez & Borja Ibarra
Nature Communications volume 9, Article number: 4512 (2018)



Mechanical measurement of hydrogen bonded host-guest systems under non-equilibrium, near-physiological conditions

Naranjo T, Cerrón F, Nieto-Ortega B, Latorre A, Somoza Á, Ibarra B*, Pérez EM*. *corresponding authors
Chemical Science 2017 Sep 1; 8(9): 6037–6041.


DNA synthesis determines the binding mode of the human mitochondrial single-stranded DNA-binding protein

Morin JA, Cerrón F, Jarillo J, Beltran-Heredia E, Ciesielski GL, Arias-Gonzalez JR, Kaguni LS, Cao FJ, Ibarra B.
Nucleic Acids Research 2017 Jul 7;45(12):7237-7248.


Mechanics, thermodynamics, and kinetics of ligand binding to biopolymers

J Jarillo, JA Morín, E Beltrán-Heredia, JP Villaluenga, B Ibarra , FJ Cao.
PLoS One. 2017 Apr 5;12(4):e0174830


Kinetic modeling of molecular motors: pause model and parameter determination from single-molecule experiments

José A Morin, Borja Ibarra and Francisco J Cao.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Volume 2016, May 2016


Mechanics, thermodynamics, and kinetics of ligand binding to biopolymers

Jarillo J, Morín JA, Beltrán-Heredia E, Villaluenga JP, Ibarra B, Cao FJ.
PLoS One. 2017 Apr 5;12(4):e0174830


Kinetic modeling of molecular motors: pause model and parameter determination from single-molecule experiments

José A Morin, Borja Ibarra and Francisco J Cao.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Volume 2016, May 2016


Mechano-chemical kinetics of DNA replication: identification of the translocation step of a replicative DNA polymerase

J.A. Morin, F.J. Cao, J.M. Lázaro, J.R. Arias-Gonzalez, J.M. Valpuesta, J.L. Carrascosa, M. Salas, B. Ibarra
Nucleic Acids Research, 2015 Apr 20;43(7):3643-52.


Manipulation of single polymerase-DNA complexes: a mechanical view of DNA unwinding during replication

Morin J.A., Cao F.J., Valpuesta J.M., Carrascosa J.L., Salas M., Ibarra B.

Cell Cycle 2016, 11(16): 2967- 2968


Mechano-chemical kinetics of DNA replication: identification of the translocation step of a replicative DNA polymerase

J.A. Morin, F.J. Cao, J.M. Lázaro, J.R. Arias-Gonzalez, J.M. Valpuesta, J.L. Carrascosa, M. Salas, B. Ibarra
Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Apr 20;43(7):3643-52.


Manipulation of single polymerase-DNA complexes: a mechanical view of DNA unwinding during replication

Morin J.A., Cao F.J., Valpuesta J.M., Carrascosa J.L., Salas M., Ibarra B.
Cell Cycle 11(16): 2967- 2968


Active DNA unwinding dynamics during processive DNA replication

J.A. Morin, F.J. Cao, J.M. Lázaro, J.R. Arias-Gonzalez, J.M. Valpuesta, J.L. Carrascosa, M. Salas, B. Ibarra

Proceedings of the National Academic of Sciences USA 109(21): 8115-20


Mechanical stability of low-humidity single DNA molecules

Hormeño S., Ibarra B., Valpuesta J.M., Carrascosa J.L., Ricardo Arias-Gonzalez J.

Biopolymers, 97(4): 199-208


Active DNA unwinding dynamics during processive DNA replication

J.A. Morin, F.J. Cao, J.M. Lázaro, J.R. Arias-Gonzalez, J.M. Valpuesta, J.L. Carrascosa, M. Salas, B. Ibarra
PNAS,2012,109(21): 8115-20


Mechanical stability of low-humidity single DNA molecules

Hormeño S., Ibarra B., Valpuesta J.M., Carrascosa J.L., Ricardo Arias-Gonzalez J.

Biopolymers, 2012 97(4): 199-208


Mechanical properties of high-GC content DNA with a-type base-stacking

Hormeño S., Ibarra B., Carrascosa J.L., Valpuesta J.M., Moreno-Herrero F., Arias-Gonzalez JR.

Biophysical Journal 100(8): 1996-2005


Condensation prevails over B-A transition in the structure of DNA at low humidity

Hormeño S., Moreno-Herrero F., Ibarra B., Carrascosa J.L., Valpuesta J.M., Arias-Gonzalez J.R.

Biophysical Journal 100(8): 2006-2015


Mechanical properties of high-G.C content DNA with a-type base-stacking

Hormeño S., Ibarra B., Carrascosa J.L., Valpuesta J.M., Moreno-Herrero F., Arias-Gonzalez JR.

Biophysical Journal, 2011, 100(8): 1996-2005


Condensation prevails over B-A transition in the structure of DNA at low humidity

Hormeño S., Moreno-Herrero F., Ibarra B., Carrascosa J.L., Valpuesta J.M., Arias-Gonzalez J.R.

Biophysical Journal, 2011 100(8): 2006-2015


Proofreading Dynamics of a Processive DNA Polymerase

Ibarra, B., Chemla Y., Plyasunov, S., Smith S.B., Salas M., Bustamante C.

EMBO Journal 28: 2794-2802


Single centrosome manipulation reveals its electric charge and associated dynamic structure

Hormeño S., Ibarra B., Chichón F., Habermann K., Lange B., Valpuesta J.M., Carrascosa J.L., Arias-González J.R.

Biophysical Journal 97: 1022-1030


Proofreading Dynamics of a Processive DNA Polymerase

Ibarra, B., Chemla Y., Plyasunov, S., Smith S.B., Salas M., Bustamante C.

EMBO Journal, 2009, 28: 2794-2802


Single centrosome manipulation reveals its electric charge and associated dynamic structure

Hormeño S., Ibarra B., Chichón F., Habermann K., Lange B., Valpuesta J.M., Carrascosa J.L., Arias-González J.R.

Biophysical Journal 97: 1022-1030